Surbhi Sidana, MD, on Assessing Ide-cel in Patients With R/R Multiple Myeloma and Renal Impairment


The assistant professor of medicine, bone marrow transplantation and cellular therapy, Stanford, discussed favorable data from a real-world experience study.

“The safety and efficacy of ide-cel seems very good in patients with renal insufficiency. There are some small differences, but overall, it's safe, effective, and feasible. There are limitations of a retrospective study, which we hope to address in a future phase 2 clinical trial. But, this therapy should not be limited to patients only with preserved renal function, we should expand access to patients irrespective of renal function.”

Idecabtagene vicleucel (Ide-cel; Abecma), a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy approved for the treatment of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM), demonstrated efficacy in patients with RRMM and renal impairment, a population excluded from the pivotal phase 2 KarMMA trial (NCT03361748). These data, from a retrospective, real-world experience study conducted by the Multiple Myeloma Research Consortium, were presented by Surbhi Sidana, MD, assistant professor of medicine, bone marrow transplantation and cellular therapy, Stanford, at the 2023 Tandem Meetings |Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, held in Orlando, Florida, February 15-19.

CGTLive spoke to Sidana to learn more about the study conducted and why it is important to assess ide-cel and other CAR T-cell therapies in populations not evaluated in clinical trials. She stressed the study’s conclusions that patients with RRMM and renal impairment should not be excluded from ide-cel treatment.

For more coverage of the 2023 Tandem Meetings, click here.

Sidana S, Peres L, Hosoya H, et al. Idecabtagenevicleucel (Ide-cel) chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) with renal impairment: Real world experience. Presented at: 2023 Tandem Meetings, February 15-18, Orlando, Florida. Abstract #42
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