Rockville, Md --GenVec has begun a phase I study of its in vivo gene-based product, AdgvCD. 10, in 18 patients with liver metastases of colectoral cancer . An advenovirus vector modified to carry the cytosine deaminase gene will be administered directly into the hepatic tumor. The gene expresses an enzyme that converts 5-fluorocytosine,an oral anti-fungal agent , into the potent anticancer agent 5-fluorouracil.. The conversion occurs only at the site of gene expression, the company said.
Rockville, Md --GenVec has begun a phase I study of its in vivogene-based product, AdgvCD. 10, in 18 patients with liver metastasesof colectoral cancer . An advenovirus vector modified to carrythe cytosine deaminase gene will be administered directly intothe hepatic tumor. The gene expresses an enzyme that converts5-fluorocytosine,an oral anti-fungal agent , into the potent anticanceragent 5-fluorouracil.. The conversion occurs only at the siteof gene expression, the company said.
Transplant Eligibility Versus CAR-T Eligibility
January 16th 2025Manali Kamdar, MD, the associate professor of medicine–hematology and clinical director of lymphoma services at the University of Colorado, discussed the importance of referring patients with r/r LBCL who are transplant ineligible for CAR-T treatment.