Adding CAR T-Cell Therapy to the Electronic Medical Record


Andrea Price, APN, discusses adding CAR T-cell therapy to the electronic medical record.

Andrea Price, APN, associate director for clinical research at Washington University School of Medicine, discusses adding CAR T-cell therapy to the electronic medical record (EMR).

While CAR T-cell therapy is not new to providers, the therapy is not yet integrated into the EMR system, explains Price. Adding CAR T-cell therapy to the EMRs requires a lot of collaboration with the EMR team to make sure it fits the workflows and special patient populations. These tools need to be designed from scratch, according to Price.

The priority regarding CAR T-cell therapy in EMR is creating nursing documentation for specialized orders for patients, says Price. Further implementation will require best practice advisories. The EMR has triggers that recognize patient traits to help providers drive decision making, which is the next step of adding CAR T-cell therapy to EMR. The challenge is avoiding overnotifying the providers or nurses and, instead, drilling down the specific patients within the EMR that need to be worked on, concludes Price.

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